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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671








28 July 2017
Main Hall - MCAST Paola

21 July 2017 final date for registration


Project Meeting 27 July 2017 Malta


Project Meeting 16-17 February 2017 Rome

Project Meeting 15-16 September 2016 Hilversum


Privacy Statement

ILPO55 - Activities and Results

09 - Final Publication of project results



At the end of the Project the ILPO55 e-book will be published. This will include the main outcomes of the Project (ILPO55 Reference Framework, the two qualifications, description of the course curricula and of the training programme) and will ensure their dissemination across Europe and also internationally.

Moreover, Partners will also make available on the project website the description of the project key outcomes in national languages.

Output results

The project titled ‘Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55’ is a three year project funded through the Erasmus+ Programme. The final activity of this project includes the ILPO55 publication in the form of an e-book. This has been developed based on the experience of 10 partners from different European countries in relation to the development, piloting and finalisation of the project website, ILPO55 reference framework, qualifications and related outputs. Moreover, this document includes the main background information, project outputs and recommendations to key stakeholders. It is aimed at offering concrete proposals to stakeholders in the banking and finance industry with a particular focus on issues of age management, employee retention of the over 55 and intergenerational cooperation with younger employees.

The final publication embeds the main results of the project outcomes. It is divided into a number of chapters each describing the main activities and achievements obtained throughout the project. The following is the list of Chapters forming the Final Publication:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Needs and Gaps Analysis
  • Chapter 3: ILPO55 Professional Qualifications
  • Chapter 4: The ILPO55 Reference Framework
  • Chapter 5: Validation of the ILPO55 Reference Framework and the Two Qualifications
  • Chapter 6: Recommendations to Key Stakeholders

The Final Publication Document was launched during the Final Dissemination Conference held in Malta on the 27th July 2017. The Final Dissemination Conference was held at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, with the participation of a number of stakeholders including representatives from the Financial Services Industry, Higher Education, Vocational Education as well as policy makers. The Final Publication marks the culmination of three years of work and provides a clear picture of the milestones of the project as well as a number of concrete recommendations and solutions for the employability of Over 55 individuals in the FSS.

The Final Publication can be found here: Final Publication.

A list of Annexes and Documents referred to in the Final Publication can be found here .