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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671








28 July 2017
Main Hall - MCAST Paola

21 July 2017 final date for registration


Project Meeting 27 July 2017 Malta


Project Meeting 16-17 February 2017 Rome

Project Meeting 15-16 September 2016 Hilversum


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ILPO55 - Activities and Results

08 - European Report on the piloting of the ILPO55 Reference Framework and the IPLO55 Qualifications



This output will include:

  1. the evaluation of the contents of the Reference Framework and the two ILPO55 Qualifications (contents of qualifications,course curricula, training programmes, etc.) against specific quality criteria established in the piloting methodology and in relation to stakeholders needs and gaps
  2. the evaluation of the the efficacy of the implementation approach against stakeholders needs and professional capacity of implementing the Reference Framework

Partners will organize national and European piloting activities and for each partner country there will be one national piloting report presented in English and national language (the summary). On the basis of the national reports, the European report will be elaborated, as a synthesis of the national results and conclusions. The role of the report is to provide recommendations for the final revision of the Reference framework and the two qualifications. The report will be designed in English with Executive Summaries in the Partner countries languages.


The Piloting Phase was carried out in the following Partner Countries: Malta, Italy, Spain, Romania and the Netherlands. The Piloting phase consisted of 3 main phases as described below:

PHASE 1 - (step 1 and step 2): October 2016 - November 2016

The first phase of the ILPO55 Piloting Phase consisted of the recruitment of 10 over 55 individuals involved in the Financial Services Sector, per country, to take part in the ILPO55 Piloting Phase. Participants recruited this way were asked to test the tools developed in the project by analysing their own competencies and create their own employability portfolios and career development plans.

The recruitment was carried out separately by the Partners involved in the project, who contacted a number of Financial Services institutions from their country. Once the organisation accepted the invite and the list of participants was agreed, the country coordinator (i.e. Project partner) sent a “welcome message” to each participant thanking them for their participation in the project and provided them with instructions on how to access to the necessary material.

Step 1.  Testing of the ILPO55 Employability Portfolio

Participants were asked to test the tools within the Employability Portfolio which prior to the Piloting phase consisted of:

  • A self-assessment questionnaire to measure the over 55 individuals’ skills/competences;
  • An e-portfolio;
  • An Interview
  • A Career Development Plan

Given the short time frames and the amount of tools available, and given that most of the participants within the piloting phase were doing this voluntarily, the ILPO55 Consortium decided that not every individual needed to test each and every tool forming part of the Employability-Portfolio. A condition of the Piloting phase was that each participant needed to; test at least one of these instruments

Following this, the participants were invited to an interview with an expert, tutor or coach to assess the outcomes and results of the above mentioned tools. Interviews were conducted on a face to face basis or remotely via telephone or Skype. This flexible approach was necessary given the busy schedules of most of the participants as well as the physical distance barriers which precluded participants from attending to a face to face interview. Since the aim of the Piloting phase was that of testing the tools and obtaining feedback from the participants, the ILPO55 consortium felt it was necessary to accommodate and facilitate the participants’ participation as much as possible.

The outcomes of these tools led the way to the ILPO55 Career Development Plan and enabled participants to complete this.

Step 2:  Testing of the Career Development Plan

The results of the employability portfolio enabled individuals to fill in the career development plan template to evaluate and understand over 55 individuals’ aspirations; strengths; interests; drivers and other influences.

PHASE 2 - (step 3) January-February 2017

Step 3: Follow the blended training module

The 10 over 55 individuals from each partner country were involved in the piloting of the ILPO55 Professional Qualifications. Each participant was asked to follow a short blended training module regarding one of the two professional qualifications developed in the project:

  • Adult Trainer aim of this qualification is mainly to provide knowledge, skills and competences required to effectively plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate training sessions (Annex 2)
  • Social Responsability Facilitator: the aim of this qualification is to help the over 55 employees within the Financial Services Sector to understand the importance of social responsibility (Annex 3)

Given the timeframe and the amount of material in these qualifications the ILPO55 Consortium felt it was more appropriate to split the qualifications into modules, and to have each organisation pilot a single module rather than a full qualification.

In view of this, each partner:

  1. chose a module from one of the two qualifications;
  2. Translated it in its own country languages (where applicable);
  3. identified a trainer to adapt and if need be develop further blended training material based on the course description and the blended material which had already been conceptualised in Intellectual Output 5 of the project and deliver training accordingly, and;
  4. Scheduled and ran the training activities.

Although the dates for the Piloting phase were agreed amongst partners, each partner was left free to run the piloting phase as best it suited the needs of his/her organisation and the needs of the participants who accepted to take part in the piloting phase. Therefore each partner country chose to test some of the tools and instruments (at least three of five) forming part of the ILPO55 Reference framework without following a prescribed schedule and set up a blended training course of a preferred unit of the two qualifications. The IILPO55 Consortium however paid close attention that at the end of the piloting phase, all the tools and instruments and all 6 of 7 units of the 2 qualifications were tested.

PHASE 3 - National consultation workshop with stakeholders

To conclude the piloting phase Partners organized a National Consultation Seminar, in their own country. A panel of stakeholders from the Financial Services Sector (FSS) attended the event to assess the relevance and usefulness of the ILPO55 Framework and Training Programmes. During these National Consultation workshops, the ILPO55 consortium had the opportunity to obtain feedback and suggestions from primary stakeholders within the FSS, in view of the proposed framework and qualifications and its improvement.

A number of changes were applied to the ILPO55 Reference Framework and qualifications as part of this feedback and the outcomes of the piloting phase. Such changes can be found within the European Piloting Report.


Following the completion of all three phases of the Piloting Phase, each partner country issued a report on the piloting experience in its country. Individual Piloting reports where then reviewed and a Single European Piloting Report was issued.


Link to Report









The Netherlands


European Piloting Report