Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671








28 July 2017
Main Hall - MCAST Paola

21 July 2017 final date for registration


Project Meeting 27 July 2017 Malta


Project Meeting 16-17 February 2017 Rome

Project Meeting 15-16 September 2016 Hilversum


Privacy Statement


MCAST - Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology

MCAST is the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology and is the leading vocational institution in Malta. MCAST’s mission statement clearly emphases the international dimension of the education and training to be provided to all its students. MCAST also offers courses through a number of international awarding bodies.
MCAST’s mission statement that guides the College and its employees is as follows: “To provide universally accessible vocational and professional education and training with an international dimension, responsive to the needs of the individual and the economy”.
The full-time student population now stands at 6500students. During each academic year MCAST also provides short courses for approximately 4,000 part-time students.

Effebi Association - Finance & Banking

Effebi Association is a non-profit Association which, since its foundation in 1976, but above all from 1994 onward, owing to some significant Statutory reforms, has been a point of reference for people involved in the management and development of HR and in organizational models in the banking & financial sector. At international level, EFFEBI Association participates effectively in the activities of EBTN (European Banking and Financial Services Training Association) keeping significant relationships with other Institutions, Associations, sharing similar goals as well as Universities, Colleges, Firms and Bodies which operate in the HR Management and Development area. EffeBi Association created a Centre for Research and European Studies (CRES) supported by Experts and Professionals, in collaboration with Universities.

Institute of Banking Education NBS

The Institute of Banking Education of the National Bank of Slovakia, n. o. (IBV NBS, n. o.) provides qualifications upgrading and skills enhancement for the financial sector employees. As an independent legal entity it has been established by the NBS to meet the demand for education and training generated by financial markets, and, in particular, by the NBS.
IBV NBS n. o. offers a diversity of approximately 120 courses focusing on the banking system, bank accounting, bank supervision and regulation, payment systems, financial markets, as well as management and language training. The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic has approved several continuing education programmes on financial literacy for primary and secondary schools conducted by the Institute. Its services provided at high professional standard are in compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system.

ifs Malta - Institute of financial services

ifs Malta is the premier provider of educational services for the banking and financial services profession in Malta. With more than fifty years of experience, ifs Malta remains at the forefront of promoting and fostering professionalism among financial services practitioners through the provision of an array of courses, ranging from short technical qualifications to undergraduate and post-graduate qualifications and through encouraging continuous professional development.
ifs Malta promotes the advancement of knowledge and education in the principles and practice of the financial services sector for the benefit of the public at large. It seeks to respond to changes taking place within the Maltese financial services sector.

MUBE - Malta Union of Bank Employees

The Malta Union of Bank Employees – MUBE was registered in 1972 representing around 3000 members and is one of the few remaining Bankers’ Union in Europe which also covers the area of insurance and other areas of finance.
MUBE continuously seeks to enhance its knowledge base by being active both in exploring possible future partnerships and by acquiring feedback from important and relevant sources.
As the main Trade Union in the financial services sector, we have been very active and involved in understanding the effect and impact of the financial crisis and also closely monitoring developments re post introduction of the Euro.

Mediterranean Bank Network

The Mediterranean Bank Network was established in November 1996 one year after and as a direct result of the 1995 Barcelona Declaration. It is a non-profit banking organisation and strategic partnership between leading and medium sized Mediterranean banks and is designed to promote inter-regional commercial and business relationships amongst its members. Mediterranean Bank Network maintains strong links to other networks and organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, working in the field of financial services including professional organisations such as Chambers of Commerce, enterprises, multi country platforms for the development in the Mediterranean Region and in the European Region.


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established with the decree in April, 15th 2005 by the Italian Minister of Education, University and Research, is born from NETTUNO – Network for the University Everywhere, a Consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities which provided, since 1992, distance university courses to thousands of students using Sat-TV and Internet technologies applied to distance education, and from the international-level success of the EC EUMEDIS Programme funded Med Net’U (Mediterranean Network of Universities) Project.
UNINETTUNO is the only Italian University among EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) members; it is also member of the ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education).
In the framework of the EADTU-leaded, EC-funded E-xcellence Project, in April 2010 UNINETTUNO was awarded the E-xcellence European Quality Label.


NIBE-SVV has served as the educational institute for the Dutch banking, insurance and investment sector for over 40 years. Widely recognized in the Dutch financial industry as well as abroad NIBE-SVV contributes to a stable economy and prosperity, annually providing 40,000 financial professionals with education programmes, both open enrolment as well as customised programmes, exams, seminars, conferences and publications. NIBE-SVV was founded by the Dutch Association of Banks (NVB) and the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) with the mission of ensuring a high level of professionalism within the Dutch financial services sector.
Thanks to an extensive network, all products of NIBE-SVV are developed by and in collaboration with professionals and specialists with broad experience in the financial services sector.


ANUP-INTERNATIONAL (= Association of Romanian Popular Universities-International ) is an NGO created in 2006 as an organisation specialised in European projects under Phare, Leonardo da Vinci , Socrates , LL-Programs dealing with adult education. It derives from ANUP as a result of development and expertise in the field of European adult education. It works mainly with the largest structured network of adult education centres in Romania-ANUP-, both in urban and rural areas , which provide training and retraining courses for adults in order to enable them to adapt to the changing needs of the Romanian society. ANUP worked a lot on the level of lobbying non formal and informal education, as well as vocational training of the adults being a pioneer in drawing legislation and strategies for the domain.

IEF – Institut d’Estudis Financers

The Institute of Financial Studies (IEF) is the leading institution in Spain specialized in financial and banking training and information dissemination. We aim at providing the most rigorous and highly practical training for professionals in the field of finance, achieving excellence in the process. We aim at seeking new ways through research, applying innovating teaching, divulging new methodology and organizing events, with the specific purpose of strengthening the financial sector. During the academic year in 2014, the IEF reached more than 145.000 hours of classroom instruction for 7,000 students and imparted 350,000 hours in distance training for 4,000 professionals.